
“This world is a man’s world

You will never have a place in here”

Says them who do not bother

Says them who do not bother

About girls who don’t dare to fear

These girls, these beautiful little girls

Who want to be schoolgirls

Are now face down

As they have entered the inequality town

Isn’t this unfair?

Why are people not aware?

Of this phenomenon that needs attention

Serve those girls who have true ambitions

I want to hear a strong voice

Louder than those boys

Who support sports more than something

That requires respect more than anything

Why isn’t there something for girls

That boys don’t have

Give them a try, they will show you

What is actually the difference between

them and you

This is feminism

This is respect

This is our world

This is our voice

Ameesha Talukdar, X-E